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Natural hair color – Hibiscus


Hibiscus is a perfect vegetable powder for hair, scalp or face nurishing. It’s full of antioxidants and vitamin C, that’s why it efficiently regenerates hair or scalp. It slows down even face skin ageing and protects from skin inflammation.


Natural hibiscus can not be used solely for hair dying, but only together with henna to get red wine colour shade for hair dying.

Weight: 200 g

Usage instructions for hair treatment:

  • You prepare a mixture of hibiscus powder and water (like other powders) and leave it for 15 minutes in a room temperature. Then you apply it on your hair and wrap them with a foil. After 1 hour you wash your hair with warm water.

Usage instructions for face mask (shiny and tighten face skin):

  • You take 1 spoon (or 20 g) of hibiscus powder and mix with water to get a homogenous pste in joghurt density. You apply it directly on your face. After 20 minutes you gently wash it away with additional amount of warm water.

Usage instructions for hair dying:

  • You put additional amount of hibiscus powder in a bowl (plastic, ceramic or glass with lid) together with other vegetable powders. It can not be used solely for hair dying. You mix powders with liquid (aqua or tea). Aqua should be warm max 60°C. You mix everything with wooden spoon to get a homogenous paste with density of joghurt. You apply it on your pre washed hair and leave for at least 1 hour, protected with plastic foil or cap.
  • For a better result or in a case of grey hair: when you prepare hibiscus paste in a bowl, you close the bowl with lid (or plastic foil) and leave it on a room temperature for 24 hours. After that you apply it on your head and leave for at least 4 hours.
  • The amount of powder depends on how long your hair are: 60 g of powder for shorter hair (or hair roots), 100-150 g for medium to long hair.
  • When dying is completed, you wash your hair in a normal way as long as aqua gets clear, using shampoo to wash away all mixture. Then you dry your hair.
  • The colour shade will develop within next 48 hours after applying.
  • Before using any vegetable powders on your hair, it’s not recommended to use shampoo or conditioner with silicone. They can avoid the natural pigments to penetrate inside of your hair.
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