Our first nursing is usually provided by a mom who was equipped with many creams, balms, oils, as well as toys, books or songs. Her attention has kept us from the inside and the outside during our childhood years. Growing up, however, we begin to develop a relationship with ourselves and our own bodies.
How much care we give to ourselves and our body depends on our experience, lifestyle, time or needs. They can vary, sometimes can be vague or even impossible.
But care for ourselves is not an excess or a luxury, it is simply the attention we give to our body.
I have had to learn the body care over the years. I practiced, learned, strengthened them to become part of my DNA. It wasn’t taken for granted, quite the opposite. Even today, with one eye, I have to watch that there is enough of it.
Have you ever tried using your senses with increased attention? Just a small sensation, quick glance or a simple taste of food. If you give them enough attention, they intensify and reveal their deeper hues, colors, feelings and tastes.
Strengthening mindfulness in eating is a great exercise that we can train daily. This is when you devote your attention and focus on the flavors of the food you eat. It can be only the ratio of sweet, salty, sour or bitter. If the food is from your home garden, these flavors are much more intensive and full.
‘What we pay attention to is growing’, says my wise friend. This is so true! It’s been revealed to me many times in practice. Of course, if I have just paid attention 😊
Why am I talking about attention? Because we are usually low aware of whom we are giving the most attention to. Unfortunately many external stimuli distract us from the things we love.
I often worked with reduced or sprawling attention and I was not aware of that, especially:
when I ran out of time,
when many obligations kept me away,
when I simply forgot about myself,
when a lot of work has been done to my surroundings,
when the noise of the surroundings was louder than my own needs…
These are only few of them. I could still find many other situations that were constantly distracting me and taking away my attention. Most of the time from myself.
When I thought about how to take care of my body, it always reminded me of skin care. But at the same time, it sounded too ordinary and easy to me. At least jogging and climbing, or cycling, if not fitness or aerobics, would barely satisfy my conception of body care. Maybe yoga or pilates too. But definitely not just skin care.
I tried to practice almost all of the above. After all, I focused only on skin care. Simply because at the same time it coincided with my orientation towards natural care. In fact, it was only through the use of natural cosmetics that I began to really notice my skin.
I’ve started to notice tiny changes on my skin. Each long walk awakens in my skin a liveliness and joy, a massage or a bath gives it a flexibility, an honest conversation returns to it a brilliance, a book gives a calmness, and simple having a rest brings the balance of all the above.
Today I don’t use only different natural beauty products to take a good care of my skin. Actually I’ve started to listen to my skin.
I deeply believe that with it I do not only feel, but also better hear, see and taste. Its responses are different depends on situations. Something seen or heard can hurt or shriver my skin, but the good things, like a steam expand the pores and cause intense blood flow.
The list of what nourshing someone is endlessly long. There is always at least one thing that can nourish my skin gently. Don’t forget about a simple touch! By touch, the skin is electrified like fields and meadows with storm shots. This flow of energy makes the skin responsive, treats, softens, transforms and sharpens its sensitivity.
We really don’t need luxury for this, but our subtle attention, sensitive eye and understanding heart are enough. To ourselves.