If anyone, then summer certainly entices us with its sunny and warm days to move out, take a walk on the walking or cycling trails and to explore the surroundings. Except in the hottest part of the day, we can confidently let the sunrays seduce us along the sunny paths.
The magical and warmy sun usually opens us up, softens us and makes us more relaxed. Some things can be easier done than in cloudy days. With relaxation, of course, comes more joy, play, and spontaneity, so that obligations can find themselves in the background by the way. Of course, the sunrays are too tempting to give them up!
Sunny days also encourage nature to grow and rise towards the sunrays. Meadows become full of flowers and herbs, and gardens full of fresh vegetables.
I admire the unmown meadows, where meadow flowers still grow, which are unfortunately becoming increasingly rare. Because due to the intensive use of agricultural land, more and more plant species are disappearing from our natural environment.
It reminds me of my elementary school holidays, which I spent for many years with my grandmother, where my cousin and I ran through the meadows, gathered bouquets of meadow flowers and decorated my grandmother’s table with them.
Even today, I find it hard to resist picking these flowers, even though I know their place is most beautiful right where they grow naturally.
Coconut August
My summer, however, has also been closely associated with coconut in recent years. Its sweet scent goes well with the summer heat.
Ever since it became available in almost every store, I like to create simple cosmetic preparations with it, which, in addition to coconut oil, also contain other ingredients that are easily found in the kitchen.
Why? It is suitable both for the body and face skin that makes extremely soft and moisturizing. It is also very helpful in case of dry, damaged or inflamed skin like eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. Due to its antimicrobial, antiseptic and antibacterial effects, it makes the products that contain it very high quality.
Because we struggle with the heat in the summer, coconut oil is also a good choice because of its cooling effect. But we can increase it even more, if we can afford a glass of coconut water. It will not be superfluous to add coconut balls made of mascarpone, biscuits and cocoa. I love them a lot!
Well, let’s take a look at how to make products that come in handy in our skin care.
Coconut make up cleanser
To make coconut make up cleanser we need:
A 77 g coconut oil
A 10 g beeswax
A 9,5 g organic sunflower oil (it’s light and it absorbs well and quick)
B 3 g clay (white, yellow or green)
B 0,3 g essential oil of levandule
B 0,2 essential oil of orange
In the first stage, we weigh the coconut oil, beeswax and vegetable oil. Then we let them heat in a bain marie (heated bath) to completely dissolve the wax. After that we wait for the mixture to cool slightly (up to 45°C) so that clay and essential oils can be added. Stir well to dissolve the clay and combine with the remaining ingredients. Pour it into a clean container.
That’s it!
This time I used yellow clay. But any other clay could be a good choice, as it draws impurities from the skin, which helps us in cleansing our skin. In addition, clay stimulates blood circulation, removes dead skin cells, making the skin smooth and radiant.
Coconut peeling with oat flakes
Gentle peeling from coconut oil and oat flakes can be done in exactly the same way as a make-up cleanser, except that instead of clay we use a spoon (3 g) of ground oat flakes, which will serve as a gentle peeling to remove dead skin.
Try it!
Sunny coconut balm
The thing is that natural cosmetic can be done in a simple way with only a few adjustments. For example, Sunny coconut balm, suitable for before or after sunbathing. Here, instead of clay or oat flakes, we can add corn starch, which will give the skin a more pleasant and, above all, less greasy feeling.
A 40 g coconut oil
A 30,2 g sunflower oil (or jojoba oil)
B 15 g corn starch
A 8,5 g beeswax
A 5,5 g cocoa butter
B 0,4 g essential oil of geranium
B 0,4 g essential oil of levandule
In the first phase, we weigh coconut and sunflower oil, beeswax and cocoa butter in a dedicated container, which is slowly heated in a heated bath to dissolve completely. In the next stage, add the cornstarch. When it cools (up to 45 ° C), add essential oils that will give the product a dot on the i.
The Balms and Body Butters workshop is the great opportunity to gain new knowledge that can be used creatively at home for your natural care and adapted to seasonally relevant products.
Self-indulgance and creating are never enough. Both makes life vivid, active and interesting.
Creation is actually life, isn’t it, so it is good to devote our time and attention to it. Regardless of the time of year 😊