We meet lavender all summer, as it adorns many homesteads. She is a lover of sun and dry weather. With its significant fragrant purple flowers, it beautifies not only our gardens or flower pots, but also the table when it’s placed in a vase as a bouquet.
We admire every lavender, no matter what species it is. There are actually 39 species of lavender and a few hundred hybrids. It is good, however, to recognize the differences between at least two, which are colloquially confused despite their differences.
Lavendula (Lavandula x intermedia) is a hybrid of true lavender, which is most widespread and most often planted around our homes and in parks. It is wonderful and penetratingly fragrant, but compared to real lavender with significantly less therapeutic effects. It has a stronger antiseptic effect than real lavender, which can be used in cleansers, to disinfect the room, treat acne, colds and as a repellent. But it is not suitable for consumption.
It is good to know that due to its different composition, hybrid lavender does not have a calming effect, as is typical of real lavender, but a stimulating one. Therefore, we should be careful when buying, if we are looking for a versatile lavender, which some call mum.
Real Lavender
True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is rich in the monoterpene alcohol linalool, esters and coumarins. Esters are those that give the oil a sweet floral scent and in synergy with coumarins have a calming effect. It has a sweet and delicate scent.
This type of lavender is much lower than other species. It is very persistent blooming from late spring to mid-summer. This variety can also be used in cooking and baking.
In order to get really high quality lavender essential oil, it must be produced by prolonged distillation – but often the distillation process is stopped after just one hour. Why? In one hour we get from approx. 150 kg of lavender 1 kg of essential oil, and in two to three hours, as needed for the production of coumarins (heavier volatile molecules), we get only 1 or 2 dcl more.
Why such versatility of lavender?
Lavender essential oil with more than 200 active ingredients is able to perform several functions simultaneously. It helps relieve colds, flu, angina, asthma, disinfects wounds, soothes insect bites, soothes the skin with infections, acne, dermatitis, eczema and sunburn, soothes and eliminates anxiety, insomnia, inflammation, menstrual pain, PMS.
So it’s no wonder she’s often referred to as the queen of essential oils or simply Mom. With all its qualities, it is indispensable whenever we find ourselves in a quandary.
Lavender is very often used in cosmetics, because with its benefits it brings the skin what it needs. Therefore, many natural products contain lavender, as it is suitable for all skin types.
Even at home, with the help of lavender essential oil, you can quickly conjure up a soothing lavender bath, massage lavender oil or simply refresh your home space using a diffuser.
I most often use lavender roll-on oil, which I use when I need to calm down or when there are annoying mosquito bites. For this I need only 10 ml of oil (jojoba oil, almond or olive), in which I put 5 -6 drops of lavender essential oil and it is time to use.
The most practical for me is to use a roll-on container, in which I first drip lavender essential oil, to which I then add more oil. I roll the filled roll-on several times between my palms to make the essential oils and the oil bond together. And so do I 😊
The therapeutic effects of real lavender are, of course, also found in IZISTEP cosmetics, which with their active ingredients bring beneficial effects, such as regeneration, soothing and revitalizing the skin. It plays its gentle melody in creams and oils for sensitive skin and in some soaps.
Do you use lavender too?