My enthusiasm of using reusable, homemade shopping bags is so big, that has become mania. I’m not joking at all. My shoppingbag mania is so funny and practical.
Therefore, I have all kind of small and big bags made from old curtains, sheets or jeans. Smaller, bigger bags, and something between, that simply fit for buying different food.
It has all started few year ago in my first experimental year, when I’ve desided to stop buying new clothes, shoes and other things for 2 years. This was truly enlightenment for me. But this is another story for next time 😊
First step against waste
My decision not buying any new things has pushed me to the next level. I remember I hated so much to get too much packaging waste every time, when I bought my usual stuff in a supermarket. After unwrapping all products I bought I had to empty my wastebasket immediately, if I wanted to get some free space in it. Exhausting!
First collection of reusable shopping bags
Suddenly I grabbed an idea I got from my friend to start making and using my own shopping bags! My mother helped me with sewing them. In a few days I got my first collection of shopping bags, mostly made from old curtains. Romantic, attractive and useful!
Anywhere with my shopping bags
Where to use them? Anywhere! In supermarkets, markets and necessarily in a zero waste shops. I like all different shops, where I can use my bags. But honestly I prefere smaller shops, where I feel more cosy and domestic than in supermarkets.

Zero waste shopping in Zlín
You can’t imagine how happy I was, when I discovered zero waste shop named Bezobalač in Zlin after my moving to Czech! My shoppingbag mania could simply continue without any interrupting 😊
Slow shopping
What can you get in zero waste shop except no waste? It is a great place for shopping many different stuff like flour, seeds, herbs, tea, coffee, sweets, cosmetics, etc. It’s also an ideal place for slow shopping. Actually I find that fact as a great advantage. It is a small place with full shelves of different stuff. You or shop’s worker carefully weight your desired food in your shopping bags or jars.
Social shopping
And it’s not only buying no waste. I’ve figured that this way of shopping is more likely social shopping. Having simple chats with workers or other buyers. For that reason, I think that social part is another value that counts nowadays, when people can be very estranged and disconnected.
Workers there are truely kind, trying to connect with buyer in a very spontaneous way 😊 One of them is definitely Ivana, a caring, truthful and kind woman, and who has eventually become my good friend.
Can you imagine? Shopping with my own bags, buying no waste, and getting a friend at the same time.
Yes, shoppingbags mania is funny, connective and kind way for all users, I believe. Come and join to such mania.