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Summer skin treatment

Jul 10, 2019 | Articles

Our skin is the biggest and the most exposed organ, which needs special attention, specially during the summer. Give it a bottle of water 😊

Summer time is a time when outside temperatures increase and we eventually become more easy, relaxed, spend our free time with reading books in the tree shadow or being somewhere close to sea or lake to get a refreshment in the hot weather.

It does not matter how and where we spend summer time, all of us are highly connected with water, even more in summer. Bottles of any drink are taken so granted that we don’t realize how we  depend on water.

Water is vitally important for all of us. Not only that it relaxes us, gives us a good feeling, washes away our bad feelings or makes our mind more clear. It keeps moisture and elasticity to our skin and prolong our youthful looks. It’s no wonder that is a basic ingredient of many beauty products.

Old nations were awared of healing properties of water: they were bathing in pools, spas, sea and later in public swimming pools.

Having a bath in a sea salt water is a very good treatment for your skin because of the salt, microelements and minerals in the water. Such bathing boosts blood circulation, removing toxics and increase oxygen supply.

I believe that food is another inevitable fact to maintain not only health condition in general meaning but also skin condition. For example, food full of omega-3 and omega-6 lipid acid helps skin to produce natural lipids and vitamins A, B and C.

A lack of water

If there is a lack of water, our skin becomes dry and fragile. The wrinkles can be visible more, that’s why the skin looks older. It even gets older faster, because dry skin is more sensitive, especially on UV rays and free radicals.

Oily skin needs a lot of water, too. It needs special cleansing with plenty of warm water and an alcohol-free, un-perfumed cleanser to prevent the pores from becoming clogged.

The best prevention is keeping moisture in skin. The recipe for youthful skin is a bottle of water and a drop of moisturizing face cream per each day 😊

A moisturzing cream

My beauty routine starts with face cleaning. A cleaning with water is not enough, it should be done with cleansers which doesn’t make skin dry.

After taking a shower (better colder than hot water) I dry my skin partly, not fully. I put on my still wet skin a nourishing body cream or body oil that absorption is better.

A moisturzing cream can be used at least twice a day. In this way I help my skin to keep moisture inside with using body/face cream. After applying cream my skin looks fresh, more elastic and my wrinkles are not so visible.

A facial water or hydrolats

I really like to use facial tonic or mist to keep my face skin hydrated. I use it every single day. During the summer it’s “a must have” in my daily routine. I need my facial water at least once per day, rather more than less. Using facial water is a part of my beauty routine: I spray my face with facial water, waiting for awile to absorb a little bit. After that I apply my face cream or face oil on my still wet face skin.

A body hydration

Part of any beauty routine is having constant attention to drink enough water. If you would use the best of moisturizers on the planet but forget to drink enough water, I’m convinced the all effort of your beauty routine would be in vain.

Although the summer should be more relaxed, you don’t need to forget to keep hydration inside and outside of your body with lots of water. But still… have a special summer with lots of love, comfort, fun and being crowded with people you care the most.

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