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Summer self-indulgence

Summer self-indulgence

If anyone, then summer certainly entices us with its sunny and warm days to move out, take a walk on the walking or cycling trails and to explore the surroundings. Except in the hottest part of the day, we can confidently let the sunrays seduce us along the sunny...
Ignite a fire in us

Ignite a fire in us

I love the customs and rituals of our ancestors, which among other things show how closely they were once connected with nature. Through various rituals they worshipped the sun, water, trees, fire or individual seasons to strengthen their bonds and express respect for...
Lavender Queen

Lavender Queen

We meet lavender all summer, as it adorns many homesteads. She is a lover of sun and dry weather. With its significant fragrant purple flowers, it beautifies not only our gardens or flower pots, but also the table when it’s placed in a vase as a bouquet. We...
Summer plans and memories

Summer plans and memories

The month that, due to its summer temperatures, calls for rest, relaxation and much more. It invites us to nature, sun exposure and casual reading of books. And it is the month that Julius Caesar crowned with his name. Of course, July! After last few months of...
Beauty everywhere around us

Beauty everywhere around us

In his exploration, the beauty seeker does not miss the beautiful face, nor the artistic image or facade of the old walls of famous historic buildings. Each culture reveals to it its own beauty, which dates back to the ancient past, and is preserved to this day, so...